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Developer Guide

For changing button modes and LED lights on the Aerosoft Truck & Bus Wheel System

Key Values
Vendor ID
0x294b (hex)
10571 (dec)
Product ID
0x1908 (hex)
6408 (dec)
array(0x05, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00) (Toggle Mode - Default)
array(0x05, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x3F, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00) (Momentary Mode)

The main difference between a toggle mode and a momentary mode is that a toggle mode remains in the on or off position until it is manually switched to the opposite position, while a momentary mode only remains in the on position while it is being pressed or held down.

Data explanation
Outgoing Byte Outgoing Bit Bit function Bit Value Hex Value
1 1-8 Fixed value 8=0, 7=0, 6=0, 5=0, 4=0, 3=1, 2=0, 1=1 (00000101) 0x05
2 1 LED 1 State 0 = LED light off
1 = LED light on
The state set here is respected only when the corresponding LED Controller is set to 1
0x00 - 0xFF
2 LED 2 State
3 LED 3 State
4 LED 4 State
5 LED 5 State
6 LED 6 State
7 LED 7 State
8 LED 8 State
3 1 LED 9 State 0 = LED light off
1 = LED light on
The state set here is respected only when the corresponding LED Controller is set to 1
0x00 - 0x3F
2 LED 10 State
3 LED 11 State
4 LED 12 State
5 LED 13 State
6 LED 14 State
7 Fixed value 0
8 Fixed value
4 1 Button 1 Mode 0 = Toggle mode
1 = Momentary mode
0x00 - 0xFF
2 Button 2 Mode
3 Button 3 Mode
4 Button 4 Mode
5 Button 5 Mode
6 Button 6 Mode
7 Button 7 Mode
8 Button 8 Mode
5 1 Button 9 Mode 0 = Toggle mode
1 = Momentary mode
0x00 - 0x3F
2 Button 10 Mode
3 Button 11 Mode
4 Button 12 Mode
5 Button 13 Mode
6 Button 14 Mode
7 Fixed value 0
8 Fixed value
6 1 LED 1 Controller 0 = Controlled by corresponding button mode
1 = Controlled by corresponding LED state
0x00 - 0xFF
2 LED 2 Controller
3 LED 3 Controller
4 LED 4 Controller
5 LED 5 Controller
6 LED 6 Controller
7 LED 7 Controller
8 LED 8 Controller
7 1 LED 9 Controller 0 = Controlled by corresponding button mode
1 = Controlled by corresponding LED state
0x00 - 0x3F
2 LED 10 Controller
3 LED 11 Controller
4 LED 12 Controller
5 LED 13 Controller
6 LED 14 Controller
7 Fixed value 0
8 Fixed value
8 1-8 Fixed value 00000000 0x00
9 1-8 Fixed value 00000000 0x00
Code Example - Javascript, Node.js
const HID = require("node-hid"); // NPM module
let gear = new HID.HID(10571, 6408); //Connect to HID device with vendor and product ID
// This setup sets Button 1-3 & 7-9 to momentary mode and button 13 & 14 to have the LEDs always on
let byte2led1to8 = 00000000;  // <- LED 1-8 off
let byte3led9to14 = 00001100; // <- LED 9-12 off & LED 13-14 on
let byte4btn1to8 = 11100011;  // <- Button 1-3, 7-8 on & Button 4-6 off
let byte5btn9to14 = 10000000; // <- Button 9 on & Button 10-14 off
let byte6ledMode1to8 = byte2led1to8; // When you set an LED Light you have to set the
let byte7ledMode9to14 = byte3led9to14; // corresponding LED controller to the same value

gear.write([ // write to the gear
    0x05, // <- fixed value
    0x00, // <- fixed value
    0x00  // <- fixed value
gear.close(); // close connection to reconnect if needed

function toHex(value) {
  return Number("0x" + parseInt(value, 2).toString(16)); // Converts the binary to hex in right format